01 March 2007


Over the last couple of weeks The Muse and I decided that I needed a battle cry. Something to yell in the times when I need some extra strength... something powerful, stress relieving, and meaningful.

We started with "FuckYoooooooooou." It was the simple and obvious answer, if not somewhat antagonizing, and totally NOT child appropriate. It worked.... until I realized that I could really only scream it in my head, and I needed something I could actually use in reality. That's when The Muse came up with....

"DUCK SNOT!!!!!!!!!"

At first I laughed at him. Duck Snot? Really? This is a battle cry appropriate for ME? hmmm.

But, now that I've used it for a couple of days, I've realized it is always appropriate, always helpful, and always infuses a bit of humor into an otherwise potentially upsetting situation. Yes, Duck Snot. And I really don't care if Short Bus starts saying it too... I figure it can be a tribal battle cry. Why the heck not.

Since the inception of this idea, I've been able to help another friend (who is going through a similar situation) come up with her battle cry.... "Frog Breath!!" (yes, she has kids too).

So, all this prompted The Muse to inspire yet another blog (thanks, smarty pants)... I would love to know what everyone else's battle cry is.

If you don't currently have one, it is time to come up with one.
We all need a battle cry.
What is yours?


CamiKaos said...

sadly mine is stolen... from the tick... i found his so charming endearing and appropriate that i have been yelling "spoooooon!" for many years... does it count... should i have my own that i didn't lift from a giant blue super hero?

Anonymous said...

hmmm i have a few lol one is peni i don't know why but when i am pissed or aggrivated if i call whatever is making me feel that way a peni i laugh and feel better the other most common would be grrrrrrrr its an all purpose stress relief

Giddy. said...

Cami. *ROFL* Go read the comments on this blog over at Tribe.

Janet, the general, all-purpose growl.. good for any occasion. I like it.

CamiKaos said...

sigh. i love your tribe peeps. I often feel like i should be commenting over there instead of over here... but over here it is pretty much me and janet... and she is good company to have... it is good to see that no matter where you are posting you're getting the love and attention you so deserve... spooooooon!

Giddy. said...

well, come on over to tribe. I would definitely miss your comments here... but it is fun over there. =)

But, bring Janet with you, I don't want her to get lonely and start bitching at me. *snicker*

CamiKaos said...

yeah... but if I came over there I would have to manage a whole new page of stuff... but I probably will anyway.. and then use both sides of my vast personality and comment here and there... and kidnap janet and take her with me too... and I shouldn't comment when i've been tikized... why am i tikized with out you and J? Oregon is suddenly so lonely...

Anonymous said...

Well for a long time it's been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I know I cannot continue this with Angus, so now I must find something else. *sigh* I have no idea what to choose. I could just say dĂșn do bheal, and although it's in Gaelic and no one will know what I'm saying, if Angus picks it up, it could prove to be problematic when teachers ask him what it means once he's of school age. BAH!

Bubblewench said...

OMG! Cami if you go to Tribe, I will have no other comments to read.

I am a standard BITE ME kind of gal. That's what I use all the time.

I can't get to Tribe from work! And my home computer sucks so bad, it takes 10 minutes to load the tribe page. No fair. :(