As my great friend Cami has recently written about, I too have been going over recent posts that have never quite made it to the interwebz.... trying to see if there is something I've started in the last month that is worth finishing.
I've been so busy with the move, I just haven't had time to sit down and write anything... at least that's what I've been telling myself.
Could it be that I have to get used to a new situation?
Could it be that I'm sitting on the couch updating my blog... with someone sitting next to me?
Could it be that I'm not on my desktop?
Yes, a whole new situation to get used to.
Honestly, I've never actually written anything at all of value with someone else in the room (remember: "of value" is a subjective term). So, to be sitting here, CSB watching TV next to me, laptop in front of me.... well, it's just different.
Bear with me. My situation is new. I'm going to have to find the writing vibe in the new house. It's here... I feel it... I just have to take the time to fine tune it.
BTW: New house is great... CSB and I are loving it... The ShortBus is thoroughly enjoying his new house and back yard (although pushing his limits in a new situation). We are settling in, and attempting to meld two lives into one... I like it.
(photo is our kitchen window & a partial view of the back yard... ignore the clutter, we're still unpacking...)