Friday: I leave work for the day and head to a local brew pub/restaurant for after work drinks with a select few coworkers. Wonderful idea. Honestly, if you ever get the opportunity to spend a couple of hours with special ed teachers when they are not working, do it. There is something special about this group of people, and the only way to find out exactly how special they are is to have a drink with them. I promise, it'll be the best laugh you have all week.
I left with a smile on my face (and not just from the beer), and made my way to Oakland for a much anticipated weekend "off" with CSB. Once there, we decided on Sushi for dinner, and spent a nice evening at Kansai sitting at the bar. I can't tell you how great it is to know everyone who works there, and be able to do silly things like bring the chopstick training wheels we found at a shop on the Embarcadero (yes, the pink thing in the picture above). They really got a kick out of them, and I'm looking forward to making another trip down to pick up a few more for the chefs and waitresses.
Saturday: After working for somewhere in the arena of 9 weeks straight, my brain was beginning to melt. Even those last couple of weekends of faire didn't shine so brightly... I was done. To sleep in until 8:30 Saturday morning was a beautiful thing. We slept, there was coffee, an amazing omelet, then after laying around all day in our jammies watching TV, he mentioned something about Dark Knight... which I STILL haven't seen (but, I'm not bitter at all).
That got me thinking about movies I wanted to see, but haven't... I realized I hadn't seen Burn After Reading yet, and after all, I am a huge Coen Brothers fan. So I mention that I really wanted to see it in the theater if it's still playing... next thing I know we're talking about the 5:30 show at Bay Street. Quick shower and we're out the door. Yes, fish tacos from Rubio's, a movie, then down to the little bakery for chocolate cupcakes to go with the Domaine Chandon Sparkling Red I brought to celebrate the end of faire.
Needless to say, the night ended well... I mean really... any night that ends with champagne and cupcakes has got to be good.
Sunday: I woke up thinking "oooohhhhh... I don't wanna go to... wait... I don't have to... I have ONE MORE DAY OFF!" So, I rolled over, curled up with CSB and went back to sleep. *sigh*
When we finally made our way out of bed we had left over cupcakes (yes, I bought one for breakfast too) and coffee... then layed around watching tv... all morning. At some point mid-afternoon we decided we were hungry, and maybe ought to leave the apartment to eat.
After a nice lunch at Cato's in Piedmont (highly recommended), we wandered around window shopping and snooping through used book stores. Laughing and enjoying the remaining daylight, it was really nice not to have anywhere to be, or anything to do. Simply existing and living in the moment. Seems like its been so long since I had the chance to do that.
It was the perfect post-faire weekend.
The perfect recharge.
Exactly what I needed.
Maybe next blog I'll have the energy to revisit faire, and tell you about my super awesome Saturday, and how closing weekend this year included one of the greatest days I had at faire this year.
For now, you can most definitely look forward to posts about my adventures in house hunting... I'm planning to call a random agent tomorrow, and get the ball rolling. I'll bring the camera so you all can be a part of the process.
By the by... if anyone knows a real estate agent, or has one they love and trust, I'm looking for someone great... please feel free to send me a message and let me know!
ok... you eat out way too much with CSB... and TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE DOMAINE RED! MMMM!!!
Oh and YAY!!! You're back! I know a realtor! LOVE YOU!
sounds awesome...
Love the training wheels! That's hysterical!
I wish you had any clue how happy I am that you are this happy.
Yay for your awesome weekend!
Re-charge so you can come see us at Dickens for a weekend if possible.
Good luck with the house!
One part of me is super excited and happy about helping with the house hunting. The other side just keeps thinking about how much it will suck not to have you guys around.
Still, onward!
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