I have been able to eliminate about 99% of the processed and canned foods from our diet. But, every once in a great while, its nice to open a can of soup and throw it in the microwave while grilling a cheese sandwich (I have an addiction to Mac & Cheese and Tater Tots too...).
Tonight was one of those 'soup & sammies' kinds of nights. I did all the prep work, and opened a can of creamy potato garlic soup.... well, at least, that's what the label said. Even without the smell and odd coloring I would have known something was wrong based on the texture.
I am relatively sensitive to texture, its one of the many reasons I won't go near watermelon or guacamole, also the reason I have a hard time wearing corduroy. But to see something that is called "soup" slide out of a can in a solid log (think cranberry sauce), then hit the bowl and literally crack in two.... well, yeah, you can imagine my reaction. The clencher though? The tablespoon of brownish black liquid that dribbled out of the bottom of the can to garnish the soup log.
Its just too bad no one was around... I always love a good opportunity to pull the old,"hey, does this smell bad to you?" And this opportunity, classic.
By the way, I will never be eating canned soup again.
i don't think i want canned soup for... oh eternity
and i was about to have cheesey potato soup today . . . .
eeeew janet you were gonna eat cheesy potato soup...
barf. gag. retch.
Oh! Oh, oh, oh, BARF!
cheesy potato soup with bacon was yummy until i read this :(
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